Close Contact


Close Contact is an intimate exploration of the sphere versus our own human form. A limited edition series of sculptural photos by Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen juxtaposing the texture of the skin with leather spheres crafted with Sorensen Leather. A multi-sensory art exhibition at The Kinfolk Gallery in Copenhagen.

Consider the Earth, our eyes and the perfect pearl. Or symbolic spheres, like our circle of friends and family. Even the womb, where we first experienced a close sense of contact. Dating back to Plato, the origins of humans were described in mythical terms as spherical entities, with men as descendants from the sun, women from the earth and the third sex from the moon. In Greek Mythology, Zeus is said to have split each of them in two, creating an urge in all of us to find our other half for a sense of wholeness.

Twelve spheres were created in various sizes, each one in a curated leather colour from Sorensen Leather. Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen captured the subtle interplay between shapes, shadows and light, highlighting the varying intensity of tones and textures of models’ skin and the leather skins. The effect is striking, soft and seductive, in this limited edition of abstract images that appear almost like live sculptures.

Close Contact is comprised of ten large-scale, limited edition artworks finished in glass along with 100 portfolios of smaller prints selected from the series. The concept was co-created by Sorensen Leather, Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen, partner and co-founder of Norm Architects, with creative direction by Nathan Williams, co-founder of Kinfolk Magazine.

Post e foto di Julie Ralphs – – –

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