I foto-ricami di Juana Gomez


L’artista cilena Juana Gomez è l’autrice di “Constructal”, una serie di originalissimi assemblages di fotografia e Fiber Art.

Usando come supporto stampe fotografiche su carta cotone, l’artista vi disegna sopra, con filati colorati, punti decorativi che raffigurano parti anatomiche, vasi sanguigni, nervi e organi.

La Gomez sfrutta le qualità estetiche e la valenza culturale dell’arte del ricamo per realizzare opere polimateriche, tra biologia, femminismo, spiritualità e folklore latinoamericano, che indagano la natura e la struttura del corpo umano.

My work arises from the observation of nature and the processes that determine how both living beings and the inorganic world are structured and built. There is fundamental law that can be seen in the veins of a leaf, the course of rivers and their tributaries, the circuits of the central nervous system, the currents of the sea and the routes of traffic on the Internet. Deciphering this common language, which connects the micro cosmos with the macro cosmos, the external and the interior world, allows us to distinguish a pattern that influences inert, biological, social and cultural systems. It affects us continuously, although we are barely conscious of its presence, and governs aspects as common as our movements through the city and others as personal as the symbols of our dreams. Its essence arises from the way things flow along the path of least resistance.

Juana Gomez

Foto Copyright: Juana Gomez – juanagomez.com@juana_gomez_m

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Tag: Collage, Fiber Art, Juana Gomez.
Articolo di Alessia Cortese

Alessia Cortese

Fotografa freelance. Aspirante giramondo. Perdutamente innamorata di Max Ernst, Jane Austen e Georgia O'Keeffe. La musica è il mio pane quotidiano.

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