Gli still life floreali di Nicklas Hultman
Artobjects • Photography
Fotografo e designer di nazionalità svedese, Nicklas Hultman realizza singolari still life a tema floreale promuovendo l’arte dell’upcycling, ovvero il riciclo e riuso creativo di oggetti inutilizzati, che vengono trasformati in qualcosa di nuovo e originale.
Per la serie intitolata “Baroque Ikebana”, Hultman ha creato coloratissime composizioni abbinando fiori ed elementi vegetali con materiali di scarto e utensili d’uso comune raccolti per strada, quali mattoni, lattine vuote, scarpe da ginnastica, martelli, prodotti per l’igiene, assemblati con uno stile particolarissimo e contemporaneo, a metà strada tra le nature morte olandesi e la tecnica giapponese dell’ikebana.
The project started without me actually knowing it when I lived in Shanghai (China) for five years. I observed the heavy consumption of everyday products without people having recycling or sustainability in mind. When I later moved to Denmark, I saw the same consumption and the enormous use and waste of plastic – the only difference from China was that in Denmark, you had the opportunity to recycle if you wanted to. But still, it’s like brands aren’t responsible whatsoever about what they put out there, so I wanted to make a comment on that but not in a doomsday manner or by telling people what to do. Instead, I wanted to make something beautiful with the everyday trash/objects we take for granted.
Nicklas Hultman
PHOTOGRAPHER. Nicklas Hultman @nicklas.h
SERIE. Baroque Ikebana