Natura Insects, gli insetti floreali di Raku Inoue
Artobjects • Paintings
Artista multidisciplinare di nazionalità giapponese, Raku Inoue (di cui abbiamo già parlato qui) utilizza fiori e piante per creare coloratissime opere organiche a forma di insetto.
It all started out as a morning creative exercise where I would go out the backyard with my cup of coffee, get some fresh air and collect random materials to create whatever that came to mind that morning. It was sort of a meditative/warming-up activity that I would partake regularly while enjoying one of my favourite drink in a stress-free environment. These creatures bloomed to be the result of this creative drive. Natura Insects are series of hand-arranged floral insects made with real plants and flowers found, foraged and acquired throughout the years. Each single piece to these insect-shaped puzzles is organic and is destined for decomposition. It is a humbling reminder that nothing is forever especially within nature and that ephemerality is something that life cannot ignore.
Raku Inoue
Le composizioni effimere di questo artigiano della natura, così come Inoue ama definirsi, sono interamente realizzate con petali, foglie e ramoscelli raccolti nel suo giardino, combinati come i pezzi di un puzzle per dare vita a sontuosi coleotteri e farfalle di delicata bellezza.
Raku Inoue è nato nel 1983 a Tokyo, in Giappone, e ora vive a Montreal, in Canada.
Foto Copyright: Raku Inoue – – @reikan_creations